Overview of agrometeorological situation of May 7, 2021

Passing rains in many regions of Belarus have significantly moistened the soil. The greatest amount of precipitation since the beginning of May fell in the northwestern half of the republic. According to the latest data, in most districts of the Vitebsk and Grodno regions, waterlogging of the upper soil layer is observed, which hinders the conduct of field agricultural work. In most of the territory of Belarus, the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is in a moderately moist state.
The lack of stable heat this spring has led to a lag in the development of agricultural crops. In the near future, the expected night frosts will pose a threat primarily to flowering fruit crops; in early crops, the emergence of corn seedlings is already possible. In the future, the establishment of warm weather will contribute to the development of agricultural crops, fruit plantations, the growth of the vegetative mass of grasses. Conditions for drying out waterlogged soils, planting potatoes and sowing corn will improve.