Overview of agrometeorological situation of September 20, 2022

The past rains in most of the republic have significantly replenished the moisture content in the soil. According to the latest visual observations in Brest, Grodno, and most districts of the Minsk region, the upper 10-centimeter soil layer is well moistened. Strong humidification is observed in most parts of Mogilev, Gomel and in the east of the Vitebsk region. Field work is difficult here. In a number of areas of the north-western region, where little precipitation has fallen, weak moisture remains, in the extreme north-west of the Vitebsk region, the soil at a depth of 10 cm is still dry.
Grain germination is taking place on the sown areas of winter crops, seedlings have appeared on early crops, in places – the third leaf In the near future, a reduced temperature regime will remain a deterrent for the development of winter crops. The expected rains will complicate the harvesting operations.
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