Review of the agrometeorological situation of April 14, 2020
Prevalence of dry weather in the first decade of April caused further loss of soil moisture from its upper layers. In most of Belarus in the arable layer of soil under winter crops sufficient amount of productive moisture was contained depending on the mechanical composition according to the results of instrumental determination of humidity. Moisture reserves in the arable horizon decreased to satisfactory values in most areas of the southern half of the country on sandy and sandy loamy soils. Increased moisture reserves remained in heavy soils only in places in the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions.
Passed last night rains of different intensity and expected precipitations in the coming days will moisture the soil upper layer on the most territory of the country. In connection with the lowering of air temperatures during the week conditions for germination of grain and appearance of seedlings of spring crops will worsen, development of crops will slow down.