Review of the agrometeorological situation of February 4, 2020

Belhydromet Brunches cultivated winter crops at the end of January to determine their condition. Winter crops have normal viability according to the growing results. About 90% of samples of winter cereals and winter rape gave full growth. A slight thinness (less than 10% of plants), which is considered natural mortality was noted in remaining samples of these crops. Perennial grasses (clover, alfalfa) have grown completely in all selected samples.
Last autumn winter cereals stopped vegetation on most areas in the tillering phase. However the late October cereals did not have time to tiller out. Slow vegetation was observed in December and January during abnormally warm periods. Winter cereals began tillering almost on all observed fields with late sowing.
The expected cooling in the second half of this week poses no threat to wintering cereals. Plants restore frost hardiness with a gradual decrease of temperature. In addition a small snow cover should appear on fields.