Review of the agrometeorological situation of November 18, 2019
Unusually warm weather significantly increased duration of autumn vegetation of winter crops. The steady transition of average daily air temperature through + 5 °С to downward, characterizing the end of growing season, is delayed almost for a month.
Separate divisions of Belhydromet carried out a survey of winter crops. According to its results winter crops are in good condition on major arrays. Tillering of winter crops (the optimal phase for wintering) was noted on larger areas than last year. Crops are least developed in Vitebsk, Gomel, as well as in the northwestern regions of the Minsk regions. In seedling phase most of crops (more than 10%) are in Gomel region.
Most fields with a satisfactory condition of rapeseed are noted in Vitebsk and Gomel regions. In Brest and in south of Minsk region there are overgrown crops of rapeseed.
Termination of vegetation of winter crops is expected in third decade of November.