Information on the hydrometeorological situation in the river basins of the Republic of Belarus, formed in June 2021

The average air temperature in Belarus for the first summer month of 2021 was + 19.9°C, which is 3.5°C higher than the climatic norm. June 2021 ranked 3rd in a ranked series of observations from warmest to coldest since 1945. Daytime temperatures in the first half of the month were mainly within the range of +20 +25°C, in the second half of the month they increased to +30°C and above, and on June 22-25 they exceeded the 35-degree mark in places, which corresponds to the criterion of a dangerous phenomenon. In the third decade of June, an intense heat wave was noted, as a result of which the absolute maximum air temperature for June was updated in most of the territory of Belarus, with the exception of some observation points mainly in the west.
During the month, on average, 54.6 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 67% of the climatic norm, but at some points of observation, the amount of precipitation for the month exceeded the norm. The humidification regime was uneven throughout the month. The first and second decades were dry: 40 and 48% of the ten-day norm fell out, respectively. In the third decade, 110% of the ten-day norm fell out. The rains were mostly torrential, accompanied by thunderstorms and hail. In some areas, the rains have reached the criteria for a hazardous phenomenon.
In June, on the rivers of the country, there was mainly a decrease in water levels, as a result of which, on the tributary of the Western Bug, the Narev River, the Dnieper near the Loyev city, the Berezina near the Berezino, Sluch and Ptich water entered the channel, and on the Western Dvina near Vitebsk, Dnieper near Mogilev, Zhlobin and Rechitsa, Berezin near Bobruisk, Sozhe near Krichev and Slavgorod, working conditions worsened river transport. In the last five days of the month, precipitation caused an increase in water levels in most of the rivers in the basins of the Western Dvina, Neman, Viliya, Berezina and Sozh, in connection with which, on the tributary of the Berezina, the Sushanka river near the village of Susha, water reached the floodplain.
The water content of most rivers in June was close to the usual for this time of year and slightly lower than the norm; the water content of the Berezina and Dnieper near the town of Rechitsa was 30% higher than the norm, and the water content of the Sozh near the town of Gomel was 65% higher.
The value of the minimum water level in June on the Lan River near the village of Mokrovo (a tributary of the Pripyat) turned out to be lower than the historical minimum for the period of the summer-autumn dry season.
The average monthly water temperature in rivers and reservoirs in June was 18-22°С, which is close to the usual temperature for this time of the year.