September 18 - World Water Monitoring Day
Since 2003 World Water Monitoring Day has been celebrated annually on the 18th of September.
This day was established at the initiative of the American Clean Water Foundation. The holiday has become an information and educational program aimed at raising public awareness of the problems of the planet's water resources and participating in protection from pollution. The program provides an opportunity for people to carry out basic monitoring of the condition of local water bodies and is supported by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association (IWA).
The traditional event of this Day is taking water samples in different reservoirs of our planet to assess its quality and safety for the life of people and living organisms. Those who wish are invited to conduct a series of simple tests to determine the quality of water in local rivers, lakes and other sources, and publish the results on the website of the World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD).
The suitability of water for drinking is determined by sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Experts check it for epidemic and radiation safety, chemical composition and organoleptic properties. And, if special equipment is needed to determine the chemical composition, we can evaluate the organoleptic properties ourselves, this is how our senses perceive water. The water should be odorless, tasteless, colorless and free of turbidity. The presence of aquatic organisms and surface films visible to the naked eye is not allowed in drinking water.
In 2020 surface water monitoring on the territory of the Republic of Belarus was carried out at 297 observation points. Regular observations are carried out on 160 water bodies, of which 86 watercourses (176 observation points) and 74 water bodies (121 observation points).
Observation points for the state of surface waters, indicators and frequency of monitoring the quality of surface waters are determined by order of the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus dated July 19, 2019 No. 180-OD “On monitoring surface and ground waters”.
Observations on hydrochemical indicators are carried out by the state agency "Republican center of analytical control in the field of environmental protection", on hydrobiological indicators - by the state institution “Republican center for hydrometeorology, control of radioactive contamination and environmental monitoring”.