Overview of agrometeorological situation of October 28, 2022

In the past period of autumn vegetation, the development of winter grain crops was lagging behind long-term deadlines due to the stretching of sowing and lack of heat in September. At the same time, in the second half of October, due to the predominance of warm weather, the agrometeorological conditions for the growth and development of winter crops are favorable. The amount of effective heat accumulated since the beginning of September is inferior to the long-term average values and at the same time exceeds last year's figures for the same period. According to the latest data, tillering is taking place in the observed fields of winter grain crops sown before September 15-20. On crops produced at a later date, the third leaf and seedlings are noted, and on the areas where sowing was carried out in the second decade of October, grain germination is observed.
In the near future, the expected warm weather will prolong the autumn vegetation of winter crops, will contribute to the emergence of seedlings on late October crops.
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