Climate characteristic of spring 2023
The average air temperature in the spring season of 2023 was +8.2°С, which is 0.9°С above the climatic norm. The past spring season was ranked 17th in a ranked series of observations from warmest to coldest since 1881.

Deviation of the average monthly air temperature of the spring season from the climatic norm (+7,3°С)
in the Republic of Belarus
A positive anomaly of seasonal air temperature was noted over most of the country's territory, ranging from +0.1 to +2.0°С.

Deviation (°С) of the average air temperature of the spring season from the climatic norm
on the territory of Belarus
On average, over the territory of all regions, a positive anomaly was noted ranging from +0.5°С in the Brest region to +1.1°С in the Mogilev region.
The temperature regime of the spring season was heterogeneous: the average temperature in March and April was above the norm (by +1.9 and +1.0°C, respectively). May was cold with a negative anomaly equal to -0.4°С.
The temperature regime of the spring season was heterogeneous: the average temperature in March and April was above the norm (by +1.9 and +1.0°C, respectively). May was cold with a negative anomaly equal to -0.4°С.

Average air temperature and climatic norm by months of the spring season of 2023
in the Republic of Belarus
A steady upward transition of the average daily air temperature through 0°С (the end of winter - the beginning of spring in climatology) occurred in the west and south-west of the country on January 9-14, a month and a half earlier than usual. In the south and extreme south-east of the country - in the second or third decade of February, a week or two earlier. For the rest of the country - March 11-14 – an average of a week later than the average multi-year values, and only in the north-east and east of the country – in terms close to usual.
The average air temperature in Belarus in March 2023 was +2.7°C, which is 1.9°C higher than the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value on March 24 at Lelchitsy and Bragin stations and amounted to +19.2°С. The minimum air temperature was recorded at Ezerishche station on March 10 and amounted to -23.7°C (the lowest air temperature for the season).
The average air temperature in Belarus in April 2023 was +8.8°C, which is 1.0°C higher than the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value on April 26 at Mogilev station and amounted to +22.1°С. The minimum air temperature was recorded at Drogichin station on April 5 and amounted to -6.2°C.
A steady upward transition through 5°C (the beginning of the growing season) took place in the southern half of the country on March 19-22, 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. For the rest of the country – April 5-6 – in terms close to the long-term average.
The average air temperature in Belarus for May 2023 was +13.0°C, which is -0.4°C below the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value (+28.9°C) on May 26 at Lelchitsy station (the highest air temperature in a season). The minimum air temperature was recorded at Ezerishche station on May 7 and amounted to -5.9°C, exceeding the historical minimum air temperature in May for this observation point.
A steady upward transition through 10°C (the beginning of the active vegetation period) took place in the southern half of the country on April 17-19 a week earlier than the norm, in the rest of the territory – on May 9-12 one to two weeks later.
During the spring an average of 120.7 mm of precipitation fell across the country, which is 86% of the climatic norm for the season. Most of the country's territory was marked by a shortage of precipitation – less than the norm of precipitation for the season. In places in the north, east, south and extreme west of the country, the amount of precipitation for three spring months exceeded the norm.
The average air temperature in Belarus in March 2023 was +2.7°C, which is 1.9°C higher than the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value on March 24 at Lelchitsy and Bragin stations and amounted to +19.2°С. The minimum air temperature was recorded at Ezerishche station on March 10 and amounted to -23.7°C (the lowest air temperature for the season).
The average air temperature in Belarus in April 2023 was +8.8°C, which is 1.0°C higher than the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value on April 26 at Mogilev station and amounted to +22.1°С. The minimum air temperature was recorded at Drogichin station on April 5 and amounted to -6.2°C.
A steady upward transition through 5°C (the beginning of the growing season) took place in the southern half of the country on March 19-22, 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. For the rest of the country – April 5-6 – in terms close to the long-term average.
The average air temperature in Belarus for May 2023 was +13.0°C, which is -0.4°C below the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value (+28.9°C) on May 26 at Lelchitsy station (the highest air temperature in a season). The minimum air temperature was recorded at Ezerishche station on May 7 and amounted to -5.9°C, exceeding the historical minimum air temperature in May for this observation point.
A steady upward transition through 10°C (the beginning of the active vegetation period) took place in the southern half of the country on April 17-19 a week earlier than the norm, in the rest of the territory – on May 9-12 one to two weeks later.
During the spring an average of 120.7 mm of precipitation fell across the country, which is 86% of the climatic norm for the season. Most of the country's territory was marked by a shortage of precipitation – less than the norm of precipitation for the season. In places in the north, east, south and extreme west of the country, the amount of precipitation for three spring months exceeded the norm.

Deviation (%) of the monthly precipitation amount for the spring season from the climatic norm
on the territory of Belarus
In the regional context, the highest amount of precipitation was recorded on the territory of the Mogilev region (125.4 mm or 92% of the season norm). The smallest – in the Grodno region – 112.2 mm or 78% of the norm.

The amount of precipitation for the spring of 2023 and the climatic norm for the regions and territory of Belarus
During the spring, precipitation fell unevenly on the territory of Belarus.
Excessive moisture was noted in March (184% of the norm fell). March 2023 was ranked 3rd in a ranked series of observations from wettest to driest since 1945. The historical maximum amount of precipitation for the month was exceeded at the stations Ezerishche, Vitebsk, Lepel, Senno, Kostyukovichi and Mozyr. New record values of daily precipitation maxima were set at separate observation points across the territory of Vitebsk, Minsk, Mogilev and Gomel regions.
In April, an average of 39.3 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 102% of the climatic norm.
A significant shortage of precipitation was observed in May – 11.9 mm or 19% of the norm. May 2023 was the driest since 1945. The previous record was set in 1971 (26 mm). For most of the country's territory, historical minimums of monthly precipitation were exceeded.
Excessive moisture was noted in March (184% of the norm fell). March 2023 was ranked 3rd in a ranked series of observations from wettest to driest since 1945. The historical maximum amount of precipitation for the month was exceeded at the stations Ezerishche, Vitebsk, Lepel, Senno, Kostyukovichi and Mozyr. New record values of daily precipitation maxima were set at separate observation points across the territory of Vitebsk, Minsk, Mogilev and Gomel regions.
In April, an average of 39.3 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 102% of the climatic norm.
A significant shortage of precipitation was observed in May – 11.9 mm or 19% of the norm. May 2023 was the driest since 1945. The previous record was set in 1971 (26 mm). For most of the country's territory, historical minimums of monthly precipitation were exceeded.

Precipitation and climate norm by months of spring 2023
Precipitation in the spring fell mainly in the form of rain, and mixed and solid precipitation was also noted at the beginning of the season.
In March, during the month, the snow cover was repeatedly established for a short time and destroyed. The height of the snow cover on the last day of the month ranged from 0.1 cm (Mozyr, Zhitkovichi, Slutsk) to 21 cm (Ezerishche). There was no snow cover in the west, south, in places in the central part and in the east of the country. In the first ten days of April, the snow cover finally collapsed.
During the spring, fogs, thunderstorms and hail, ice were observed, at the beginning of the season – snowstorms. An increase in wind speed with gusts was noted everywhere up to 15 m/s and more. The maximum wind speed for the season was recorded on March 4 at Oshmyany station and amounted to 22 m/s.
In March, during the month, the snow cover was repeatedly established for a short time and destroyed. The height of the snow cover on the last day of the month ranged from 0.1 cm (Mozyr, Zhitkovichi, Slutsk) to 21 cm (Ezerishche). There was no snow cover in the west, south, in places in the central part and in the east of the country. In the first ten days of April, the snow cover finally collapsed.
During the spring, fogs, thunderstorms and hail, ice were observed, at the beginning of the season – snowstorms. An increase in wind speed with gusts was noted everywhere up to 15 m/s and more. The maximum wind speed for the season was recorded on March 4 at Oshmyany station and amounted to 22 m/s.
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