Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
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Climate characteristic of Summer 2023

The national average air temperature for the summer season of 2023 was +19.0°C, which is 1.0°C higher than the climatic norm. The summer of 2023 took the 8th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest season since 1881.
Deviation of the average air temperature for the summer season from the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus for the period 1991-2023

Throughout the country, with the exception of the Yezerishche station, there was a positive anomaly in air temperature, which was mainly in the range from +0.6 to +1.8°C.
Deviation (°С) of the average air temperature of the summer season from the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus
In the regional context, the highest values of positive air temperature anomalies were noted in the Grodno region (+1.2°C), in the Mogilev and Gomel regions the deviations were the smallest (+0.9°C).
Over the past summer, there were 26 to 48 hot days (with a temperature of +25°C and above) with a norm of 29-59 days and from 2 to 20 very hot days (with a temperature of +30°C and above) with a norm of 1-13 days.
The maximum air temperature of the summer season (+34.5°C) was recorded on August 6 at the Lelchitsy station. The minimum air temperature was registered at the Polesskaya station on June 4 and was -1.1°C.
The average air temperature for the months of summer 2023 and the climatic norm for the territory of Belarus

The temperature regime of summer was heterogeneous. June and August were warm, July was a little colder than usual.
The average air temperature in Belarus for June 2023 was +17.7°C, which is 0.7°C higher than the climatic norm. The month began with a cold first decade with an air temperature 0.8°C below normal. The second and third decades were warm with a positive anomaly equal to 1.1 and 1.7°C, respectively. 
From June 15 to 25, an intense heat wave was observed in most of the country, with the exception of the south-western regions of the republic. In June, it was also observed from 1 to 5 days with a maximum air temperature of +30°C or more, with a norm for this month of 1-3 days. 
The maximum value (+31.5°C) Air temperature reached on June 18 at the Vileika station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Polesskaya station on June 4 and amounted to -1.1°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus for July 2023 was +18.6°C, which is 0.3°C below the climatic norm. The first and second decades were warm with a positive anomaly equal to 0.8 and 0.3°C, respectively. The third decade of the month was cold with a negative anomaly equal to 1.8°C.
The maximum value (+34.3°C) Air temperature reached on July 17 at the Lelchitsy station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishche station on July 13 and amounted to + 3.9°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus for August 2023 was +20.7°C, which is 2.7°C higher than the climatic norm. August 2023 took 2nd place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest since 1945.  
The average air temperature of all three decades was above normal. The second and third decades turned out to be very hot with a positive anomaly of 3.6 and 3.7°C, respectively. 
The maximum value (+34.5°C) Air temperature reached on August 6 at the Lelchitsy station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Berezinsky Reserve station on August 9 and was +5.9°C. 
In August, several heat waves were observed, the most intense was observed from August 13 to August 21. In August, it was also recorded from 2 to 13 days with a maximum air temperature of +30°C and above. On some days, tropical nights were observed at many stations (the minimum air temperature per night was +20°C or more). 
During the summer season of 2023, an average of 228.8 mm of precipitation fell in Belarus, which is 101% of the climatic norm. On the territory of the country, the humidification conditions were heterogeneous. For the most part of the territory, 90-120% of the seasonal norm fell.
Deviation (%) of the amount of precipitation for the summer season from the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus

In the regional context, the highest amount of precipitation for the season fell in the Brest region - 254 mm or 116% of the climatic norm. The lowest amount of precipitation fell in the Grodno region - 201 mm or 90% of the climatic norm.
The amount of precipitation for the summer of 2023 and the climatic norm for the regions and territory of Belarus

During the season, precipitation fell unevenly.
The amount of precipitation by months of summer 2023 and the climatic norm on the territory of Belarus

In June, an average of 61.4 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 85% of the climatic norm. Precipitation spread unevenly across the country. There was a shortage of precipitation in most parts of the republic, and less than 50% of the norm fell in the north. In the west, southwest, south and east of the country, 100-150% of the precipitation norm for the month fell. 
In July, an average of 85.9 mm of precipitation fell in the republic, which amounted to 96% of the climatic norm. Precipitation spread unevenly across the country. For the most part of the republic, there was a shortage of precipitation. In the north-east, east, central part and south of the country, 100-200% of the precipitation norm for the month fell. The historical daily maximum of precipitation has been updated at the Orsha station.
In August, an average of 81.5 mm of precipitation fell across the republic, which amounted to 128% of the climatic norm. Throughout the country, with the exception of individual observation points, there was an excess of precipitation: from 100 to 200% of the norm fell. 
Summer rains were mainly of a torrential nature, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms and hail. There was an increase in wind speed by gusts up to 15 m/s and more, in some places it reached the criterion of a dangerous hydrometeorological phenomenon (25 m/s and more). The maximum wind speed was registered on August 20 at the Drogichin station (27 m/s) and on August 7 at the OMSG Orsha (36 m/s).
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