Climate characteristics of 2023
The average air temperature for 2023 was +8.6°C, which is 1.4°C above the climatic norm. Last year took the 3rd place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest in the last 140 years.

Deviation of the average annual air temperature
from the climatic norm (+7.2°C) in Belarus for the period 1981-2023
Positive air temperature anomaly was observed throughout all months except May and July.

Deviation of the average monthly air temperature
from the average climate norm in Belarus for 2023
The average air temperature of the winter season of 2022/2023 was -1.6°C, which is 1.8°C above the climatic norm. The past winter season took 9th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest season, starting in 1881.
The average air temperature in Belarus for the first winter month was -2.8°C, which is 0.3°C below the climatic norm. The air temperature reached its maximum value (+9.7°C) on the afternoon of December 31 at Brest station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Polesskaya station on December 19 and amounted to -22.0°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in January 2023 was -0.7°C, which is 3.4°C above the climatic norm. January 2023 ranked the 7th in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest, starting in 1881. The maximum value (+16.4°C) air temperature reached on January 1 at the Vysokoe station. Historical highs were exceeded in most of the country. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishche station on January 7 and amounted to -22.5°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in February 2023 was -1.4°C, which is 2.1°C above the climatic norm. February took the 19th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest since 1945. The maximum air temperature reached on February 18 at the Brest and the Vysokoe stations and amounted to +8.5°C. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishte station on February 23 and amounted to -27.7°C.
The average air temperature for the spring season of 2023 was +8.2°C, which is 0.9°C above the climatic norm. The past spring season ranked 17th in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest season, starting in 1881.
The average air temperature in Belarus in March 2023 was +2.7°C, which is 1.9°C above the climatic norm. The first month of spring took the 10th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest, starting in 1945. The maximum air temperature reached on March 24 at the Lelchitsy and the Bragin stations and amounted to +19.2°C. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishche station on March 10 and amounted to -23.7°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in April 2023 was +8.8°C, which is 1.0°C above the climatic norm. The maximum air temperature reached on April 26 at the Mogilev station and amounted to +22.1°C. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Drogichin station on April 5 and amounted to -6.2°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in May 2023 was +13.0°C, which is below the climatic norm by -0.4°C. The maximum value (+28.9°C) air temperature reached on May 26 at the Lelchitsy station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishte station on May 7 and amounted to -5.9°C, exceeding the historical minimum air temperature in May for this observation point.
The national average air temperature for the summer season of 2023 was +19.0°C, which is 1.0°C above the climatic norm. The summer of 2023 ranked 8th in a ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest season, starting in 1881.
The average air temperature in Belarus in June 2023 was +17.7°C, which is 0.7°C above the climatic norm.
From June 15 to 25, an intense heat wave was observed in most of the country, with the exception of the southwestern regions of the republic. In June, there were also from 1 to 5 days with a maximum air temperature of +30°C or more, with a norm for this month of 1-3 days.
The maximum value (+31.5°C) air temperature reached on June 18 at the Vileika station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Polesskaya station on June 4 and amounted to -1.1°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in July 2023 was +18.6°C, which is 0.3°C below the climatic norm. The maximum value (+34.3°C) air temperature reached on July 17 at the Lelchitsy station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishche station on July 13 and amounted to +3.9°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus for August 2023 was +20.7°C, which is 2.7°C higher than the climatic norm. August 2023 took the 2nd place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest, starting in 1945.
The maximum value (+34.5°C) air temperature reached on August 6 at the Lelchitsy station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Berezinsky Reserve station on August 9 and amounted to +5.9°C.
In August several heat waves were observed, the most intense was observed from August 13 to August 21. In August it was also recorded from 2 to 13 days with a maximum air temperature of +30°C and above. On some days tropical nights were observed at many stations (the minimum air temperature per night was +20°C or more).
The national average air temperature for the autumn season of 2023 was 1.7°C above the climatic norm and amounted to +8.7°C. The autumn of this year took 5th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest season, starting in 1881.
The average air temperature in Belarus in September 2023 was +16.2°C, which is 3.5°C above the climatic norm. September of this year took the 1st place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest, since 1945. The air temperature reached its maximum value (+29.2°C) on the afternoon of September 13 at the Brest and Pruzhany stations. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Yezerishte station on September 26 and amounted to -0.1°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in October 2023 was +8.0°C, which is 1.2°C above the climatic norm. October of this year took the 11th place in the ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest, since 1945. The maximum value (+25.0°C) air temperature reached in the afternoon of October 14 in Drogichyn. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Bragin station on October 11 and amounted to -5.7°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus in November 2023 was +1.9°C, which is 0.3°C above the climatic norm. The maximum value (+16.7°C) air temperature reached on November 1 at the Gomel station. The minimum air temperature for the month was recorded at the Klichev station on the night of November 28-29 and amounted to -14.7°C.
The average air temperature in Belarus over the last month of 2023 was -0.7°C, which is 1.8°C above the climatic norm. December 2023 ranked the 15th in a ranked series of observations from the warmest to the coldest since 1945. The maximum value (+9.5°C) air temperature reached in the afternoon of December 25 at the Pinsk station. The minimum air temperature was recorded at the Lyntupy station on December 6 and amounted to -16.6°C.
In 2023 an average of 724 mm of precipitation fell across the country or 113% of the norm.

Deviation of annual precipitation amounts from the climatic norm
(642 mm) on the territory of Belarus for the period 1981-2023
The winter season of 2022/2023 turned out to be the wettest of the year. During the season 187 mm of precipitation fell, or 152% of the climatic norm. Winter took the first place in the ranked series of observations from the wettest to the driest, starting in 1945. In spring, 121 mm or 86% of the seasonal norm fell. The amount of precipitation during the summer period corresponded to the climatic norm, although in the first two months there was a shortage of precipitation in most of the republic. Autumn was wet. During the season, 189 mm fell, which was 123% of the climatic norm.
In 7 of the 12 months of the year, precipitation amounts exceeded the norm. The driest month was May, during which an average of 12 mm of precipitation fell in Belarus, which amounted to 19% of the climatic norm. In relation to the norm, November became the wettest month of the year – 86 mm of precipitation fell, or 187% of the climatic norm. November 2023 took the 3rd place in the ranked series of observations from the wettest to the driest, starting in 1945. In the second half of November, precipitation began to fall in the form of sleet and snow. From the second half of the third decade of the month, snow cover was established, which reached maximum values by the end of the first to the middle of the second decade of December, and was mainly in the range from 10 to 55 cm. By the end of the year, as a result of the predominance of positive air temperatures and frequent precipitation of liquid precipitation the snow cover collapsed in most of the country.

The amount of precipitation and the climatic norm for the months of 2023
on the territory of Belarus
Throughout the year, an increase in wind speed in gusts of up to 15 m/s and more was noted throughout the country, in some places reaching the criterion of a dangerous hydrometeorological phenomenon (25 m/s and more). The maximum wind speed was recorded on August 7 at the AMSG Orsha (36 m/s).
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