Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus Map Republic BELHYDROMET
Main / Information / hydrology

Overview of hydrological situation of December, 5 2023

In the past period (December 1-4), ice formation processes and the ice cover setting continued on the rivers of the country. As a result of the formation of gaps and ice bridges there were sharp fluctuations in water levels.
As of December 5, ice and ice with polynyas was formed in certain sections of the Western Dvina, the Neman, the Dnieper, the Berezina, the Sozh and the Pripyat, as well as on most of their tributaries. Glaciation has been established on the reservoirs Chigirinskoye, Zaslavskoye, Vileyskoye, Soligorskoye, Krasnaya Sloboda, Lake Chervonoye, and on the lakes Lukomskoye, Drivyaty and Naroch, fences are preserved.
The rivers are dominated by a decrease in water levels with an intensity of up to 23 cm per day. On the Dnieper near Orsha, the Sozh near Slavgorod and its tributary the Oster River, there are sharp (up to 88 cm) daily rises in water levels due to ice jams.
On the tributary of the Dnieper, the Ivnya-Bond canal near Budka village and the Pripyat tributary of the Sluch River near the agro-town Lenin water levels exceed the water outlet marks on the floodplain.
No significant changes in the ice and level regimes of rivers are expected in the coming days.

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