Representatives of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – the State Research Institute of the Republic of Poland visited Belhydromet on September 24-27, 2018

On September 24-27, 2018, representatives of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – the State Research Institute of the Republic of Poland visited Belhydromet within the frameworks of the 1st meeting of the Belarusian-Polish expert working groups in the field of meteorology, hydrology and aviation meteorology.
Polish representatives were familiarized with the activities of the Brest branch of Belhydromet and visited the hydrological station on the Mukhavets river. During the visit to Belgidromet methods for assessing the quality of weather forecasts and warnings of adverse and dangerous phenomenon, as well as criteria for evaluating forecasts, including the use of color codes in generating warnings, and ways of communicating information to consumers, and alerts of threats of adverse and dangerous weather phenomenon were discussed.
During the visit, the Polish delegation visited the background monitoring station “Berezinsky Reserve”, where the main results of monitoring of the climate and the environment in the reserve were reviewed and assessed.

The representatives of NHMS of Belarus and Poland also exchanged information on hydrological forecasting, observation and processing of regime hydrological information,
presented the structure of the aeronautical and meteorological service. Issues about the practice of meteorological services for civil aviation in the Republic of Poland, as well as the experience of the participation of the Meteorological Service of Poland in the relevant departments of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the procedure for reassessing the competence of the staff of the aeronautical meteorological service and a number of other important issues were also discussed.